Found on a side street | corey hutchins

I Wrote About My Hipster Neighborhood in the Local Alternative Weekly 


Corey Hutchins
1 min readDec 4, 2013


On a recent Sunday afternoon, the neighborhood was mostly quiet. But if you listened hard and long enough, you could have heard the entire Modest Mouse album Good News for People Who Love Bad News twinkling through the open windows of the new gluten-free bakery that just opened on the corner. Across the street, a man in paint-splattered pants who was renovating a house bummed a cigarette from a woman playing with her phone at a bus stop. Up the street, a body piercing parlor is about to open near a skate shop. A block further is a small black barbershop made out of bricks with a spray-painted mural on its side that’s probably launched a thousand selfies. Behind it, a newish three-story modern town home with frosted glass and a roof deck is selling for $600,000. This is Cannonborough-Elliottborough, a diverse, high-density residential neighborhood that’s sometimes called the gateway to Charleston’s peninsula.

You can read more about my hipster neighborhood in the Charleston City Paper, the local alternative weekly.

